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The ADventas Consulting Blog

A collection of our knowledge, experience and tips on SAP GTM as well as S/4HANA

3 minutes reading time (511 words)

Five New GTM Features You Should Know About


Within the last 12-month SAP has published notes, which are not just bug fixes, but contain new features of GTM. In this blog I explain, which are those features and name the SAP notes you need to implement them. 

Update of Action Class to Cancel Stock Transfer Postings

With SAP note 2882478 the action class CL_WB2_ACTION_GR_CANCEL has been updated. It now can also cancel stock transfer postings. You can only cancel it, if no successor document exists or all successor documents are canceled. Furthermore, no association of the document to be canceled exists. With the cancelation, table WBHI is updated.

This note is available for S/4HANA 1809 and 1909.

GTM Support for International Trade

If you have not implemented GTS for compliance checks, you can use the new International Trade functionalities. GTS does this check at the level of the trading contract. You will not be able to release the trading contract if a check fails. The International Trade functions do this check on the level of the purchase resp. sales order. If the check fails, the sales order is blocked and the purchase order is held. In the international trade Fiori-apps blocked resp. hold documents can be released.

The ability to hold a purchase order has newly be implemented. A BAdI is provided, which can also be used for PS&S:

You must implement the following SAP notes: 2889299, 2895560 and 2912693. It is available for S/4HANA 1809.

Profit Simulation can be used with Sales Sided Trading Contract

For sales sided trading contracts the profit simulation is now available. Furthermore, the performance of the report to evaluate the profit simulations for more than one trading contract (t-code WB29_PROFIT) has been significantly increased.

Please implement the following notes: 2835922, 2894667, 2895597,2895876, 2897030, 2899441, 2902730, 2916850. It is available from S/4HANA 1509 onwards.

You can now Post Goods Receipt with the Inbound Delivery respecting the Association

If you integrate GTM with TM, it is done based on the deliveries. Handling Units are used to tell TM the transportation packaging such as container or palette. If you use packaging in the inbound delivery, the goods receipt must be posted from with the inbound delivery.

With notes 2837459, 2869894, 2921046 the posting of the goods receipt also updates the GTM specific tables in a way, association is supported too. This available for ECC 607, 608 and S/4HANA Releases.

QM Checks are now done on Trading Contract Level

 In a trading contract checks are done, that do not exist in the subsequent documents and vice versa. QM check were one of those checks, which existed only in the subsequent documents. Wit SAP notes 2893904 und 2900464 they were implemented on trading contract level. The advantage is, that you can now prevent the trading contract to be released, if the checks are not fulfilled.

This is available for S/4HANA 1809.

What is your experience with this new features? Do you have any questions?

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